How to Fall Asleep Fast Naturally

Discover Natural Ways to Fall Asleep Quickly

Struggling to fall asleep at night can be frustrating and disruptive to our overall well-being. While reaching for sleep aids may seem like a quick fix, there are numerous natural methods you can explore to help you drift off faster. In this article, I will briefly describe 21 techniques that promote relaxation, ease tension, and quiet the mind, allowing you to fall asleep naturally and fast. From simple stretches and breathing exercises to adjusting your sleep environment and exploring the power of visualization, these methods offer an array of possibilities for shortening the latency time. Say goodbye to restless nights!

But before that, let’s answer the question of how quickly should you fall asleep and what is the normal latency time. 


How quickly should you fall asleep?

A normal sleep latency (how quickly you fall asleep) is 15-20 minutes. If this is the time within you fall asleep, there is nothing to worry about, you can just relax and enjoy your rest time. This article is for you if it takes you longer than 20 minutes to drift off. 


Why you can’t fall asleep fast

When looking for ways to fall asleep faster, we need to consider the reasons why we can’t fall asleep. They can include stress-related issues such as tense mussels, and persistent thoughts. So most of the quick wins to help you fall asleep fast are related to relaxation techniques, and mind management. 

A man who has fallen asleep in bed

21 Tips on how to fall asleep faster without using sleep aids

Stretching or yoga

One of the very effective ways to help relax your body is stretching or yoga before bedtime. 10-15 minutes of body relaxation exercises can greatly improve your sleep and shorten the latency time. If you are looking for ideas on how to do it, try searching on YouTube for ‘bedtime yoga’ or ‘evening stretching’. 

Talking about bedtime yoga try the reclining butterfly pose – it lowers blood pressure and relaxes the body. Here is how to do it: 

Progressive muscle relaxation

Another muscle relaxation technique is progressive muscle relaxation. In this method, you first tense up specific muscles and then relax them. It’s effective because, after a maximum contraction of a muscle, the muscle maximally relaxes.  

Here is a demo of how to do that:

Lie down, don’t sit

If you are watching or reading something before sleep, don’t sit, lie down. When you’re in a horizontal position, your brain picks up the position associated with sleep and you will begin to feel sleepy naturally quicker. 


Lie on your side

When trying to fall asleep, don’t lie on your back but on your side. Many people are unable to fall asleep when lying on their back as this isn’t a position that the brain associates with sleep. 


Take a warm bath or shower

When you take a warm bath or shower your body will respond by cooling down. Your body naturally cools down before sleep, so your brain will associate this with sleep time. 


Wash your face with cold water

This one is counter-intuitive, as we hear other suggestions about warm showers etc. but cold water on your face lowers your blood pressure and heart rate helping you to relax. 


Lower the bedroom temperature

Another factor related to body temperature at night is bedroom temperature, and too high bedroom temperature can be a reason why you can’t fall asleep. As your body cools down at night, it requires a lower-temperature environment for better sleep. The optimum bedroom temperature at night is between 16 and 19°C (60-66°F). 


Keep your feet and hands warm

Cold feet are a common cause of why people can’t fall asleep. Why? Cold feet cause your blood vessels to constrict, which reduces blood circulation and this is a signal to the brain to stay awake. So, put your socks on in bed! 


4-7-8 breathing technique

4-7-8 is a breathing relaxation technique. If you want to try it out, here is how:

  1. Count to 4 breathing in deeply through your nose
  2. Count to 7 holding your breath
  3. Count to 8 breathing out through your mouth 


Diaphragmatic breathing

Another relaxation technique that can help you fall asleep faster is diaphragmatic breathing. In diaphragmatic breathing (belly breathing) we focus on using the diaphragm correctly. It’s a way of breathing where the stomach moves rather than the chest. 


Close one nostril

But there are more ways to regulate your breath to calm you down before sleep. Close your right nostril when you’re lying on your left side (or the opposite way). This breathing method lowers blood pressure and calms you down. (Not recommended for those with low blood pressure). 


Hug someone you love ♥

Hughs and touch produce serotonin, which has a calming effect and helps you fall asleep faster. 


Use a weighted blanket

How can a weighted blanket help you fall asleep faster? Weighted blankets promote serotonin release and this way have a calming effect. 


Try a new position or place

You may have trouble falling asleep because you’ve conditioned yourself for that. Try changing your sleeping position or a new place to break the cycle. If you can, sleep in a different bed, if not, try sleeping on the floor or with your head at the end of the bed.

To change a sleeping position you may try using a physical object, e.g. an extra pillow to stay in a different position. 


Body scan

A body scan is a relaxation technique where you bring awareness to each part of your body. 

How to do a body scan to fall asleep faster?

Here is how: 

  1. Lay down in a comfortable position
  2. Start from your head
    Focus your attention on your head and bring awareness to your scalp, forehead, eyes, cheeks and jaw. Relax each area consciously, allowing any tension or tightness to melt away.
  3. Next, move to the shoulders
    Direct your attention to your shoulders. Notice any sensations or discomfort in this area and consciously release any tension you may be holding. Let your shoulders become loose and relaxed.
  4. Keep moving down focusing your attention on each area and realising any tensions. 


Remember your day in reverse

This is a very simple way to focus and stop persistent thoughts which keep you awake and probably doesn’t need any further explanation. 


Tidy up your room

Messy interiors can increase anxiety, so tidying up your bedroom can be a good way to calm you down. 



Imagine a peaceful scene, something you enjoy that makes you feel calm, e.g. a beach, beautiful scenery, waterfall. 

You can also imagine the next morning step by step, e.g. you get out of bed, take a shower, have coffee or breakfast, get dressed, and leave for work or school. This is another way to focus and take your mind off thoughts running through your head. 


Listen to binaural beats 

This type of music with soothing frequency generates binaural delta brainwaves and helps reduce stress or anxiety. Below is an example of such music. 

BUT binaural beats aren’t recommended for people who suffer from seizures or small children. 

Listen to white noise

If binaural beats aren’t your thing, you can listen to other types of relaxation music or white noise. E.g. the sound of rain and a crackling fireplace can be very calming and make you feel sleepy quickly. 


Try not to fall asleep!

Doing something contrary to what you’re actually trying to achieve focuses your mind and helps to block off thoughts running through your head and helps to fall asleep faster. 


Tryptophan, magnesium and vitamin B6

Taking supplements may not be exactly natural, but is still better than taking sleep medication. Here is what supplementation you may want to consider. 

These are the micronutrients that are essential for good sleep. Tryptophan is an amino acid that promotes serotonin and melatonin production. 

Magnesium has a calming effect and also promotes melatonin release. It’s best taken just before sleep. 

Vitamin B6 increases melatonin production and helps the synthesis of GABA, tryptophan, and serotonin. It’s best to take is in the evening. 


The military sleep method 

The military sleep method is a way to fall asleep ultra-fast, if you want to find out more about it, check out this article: 

  • The military sleep method 

In conclusion, by incorporating natural techniques into your bedtime routine, you can enhance your ability to fall asleep quickly and enjoy a more restful sleep. Whether it’s practicing relaxation exercises, adjusting your sleep position, or using soothing sounds, there are a multitude of options to explore. There isn’t one method effective for everyone, so I encourage you to explore and try what works for you. 

By adopting certain natural strategies, you can bid farewell to restless nights and extend your sleep time.

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