Supplements for Better Sleep
16 vitamins and minerals for better sleep
We know that diet has a huge impact on our health. It also determines the quality of your sleep, while a lack of certain vitamins and minerals can cause sleep issues. In this article I talk about the top supplements for better sleep – how they influence sleep and some forms of supplementation available.
Should you take supplements for better sleep?
I must say that I used to be against any type of diet supplementation and thought we should get all the nutrients from food. (I also wrote an article about the best foods for good sleep). But when I tried taking some vitamin and mineral tablets, I noticed a significant improvement of my sleep after taking those supplements.
Why sleep supplements
In the ideal world we would get enough nutrients to keep us healthy just by eating the right foods. But the truth is, nowadays we don’t get enough vitamins and minerals from our diet, even if we eat plenty of fruits, vegetables and other healthy foods. The reason for this is soil depletion, which is a major issue in many countries. Food grown nowadays doesn’t provide the same nutrients as it used to even a few decades ago and we don’t get enough vitamins and minerals from food. So a healthy diet may not be enough to optimise your health. That’s why supplementation may be worth considering.
What vitamins help improve sleep?
If you want to find out which vitamins and minerals may help you regulate your sleep and fight insomnia, here is a list of those.

16 supplements for better sleep
Vitamins to help with deep sleep
Vitamin and mineral deficiencies can be a root cause of sleep disruption. If you experience sleeping issues, you may lack some of the following nutrients:
- Magnesium
- Zinc
- Potassium
- Iron
- Calcium
- Omega 3
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin E
- Vitamins B group
- 5-HTP
- Tryptophan
- Melatonin
- Vitamin C
- Glycine
- Selenium
Let’s look into more details about each of the above.
Best supplements for deep sleep
Magnesium for better sleep
Does magnesium help with deep sleep?
Yes. Magnesium is an essential mineral that helps you get to sleep, and increases deep restful sleep. It’s one of the most important minerals which influence sleep.
How does magnesium contribute to better sleep?
Magnesium assists your body in producing the sleep hormone melatonin as well as it eases the muscle tension helping you to fall asleep.
Forms of magnesium supplementation
Which form of magnesium is best for sleep?
Magnesium glycinate is the best form of magnesium for sleep. Another form of magnesium is magnesium citrate, often sold as powder dissolvable in water – a very convenient form of magnesium supplementation.
Magnesium supplements for better sleep can come as:
- Tablets
- Drops
- Body spray
Zinc for better sleep
Can zinc increase deep sleep?
Yes, zinc helps to reduce waking up in the night and improves deep sleep. Zinc also has a calming and antidepressant effect.
Potassium for better sleep
If you can fall asleep without a problem, but wake up in the middle of the night and can’t go back to sleep, it might be due to potassium deficiency. Potassium improves the deepest, restorative phase of sleep and works together with magnesium. So taking both – potassium and magnesium together will have a synergy effect and boost the deep sleep phase.
Iron for better sleep
How is iron deficiency linked to sleep issues?
Iron’s main function in your body is to help oxygen move from your lungs to your tissues. If you have iron deficiency, you may suffer from poor sleep quality, feel tired during the day or depressed. Iron deficiency is also linked to restless legs syndrome which makes it difficult to fall asleep. It also affects sleep quality, quantity, timing and REM sleep.
Does iron supplementation improve sleep?
Yes, there is research that shows a positive correlation between sleep quality and iron supplementation.
Calcium for better sleep
Does calcium influence sleep?
Yes, it does. Not many people know that calcium is a natural relaxant. Calcium also helps the body use tryptophan to produce melatonin. All these help you fall asleep, stay asleep and have a restful sleep.
Omega 3 for better sleep
Studies show that the combination of omega-3 acids and vitamin D can improve sleep. Those nutrients regulate serotonin levels and hence support good sleep.
Vitamin D for better sleep
Can vitamin D deficiency cause insomnia?
Yes. Vitamin D deficiency is linked to shorter sleep as well as sleep apnea.
How to supplement vitamin D?
The best source of Vitamin D is sunlight on your skin – nothing will beat this. But during the winter months you won’t be able to get enough sunlight exposure to have sufficient Vitamin D levels. The solution is supplementation through Vitamin D tablets or drops.
Vitamin E for better sleep
Can vitamin E improve sleep?
Vitamin E has a neuroprotective effect, while vitamin E deficiency can cause issues such as nerve pain (neuropathy).
There isn’t sufficient evidence yet on how vitamin E impacts sleep, but we know that it helps with general brain health and functioning. We also know that those with sleep apnea are often deficient in vitamin E. So increasing the levels of vitamin E may help to improve sleep apnea, especially in combination with Vitamin C which improves nighttime breathing and overall sleep quality.
Vitamins B for better sleep
How do group B vitamins improve sleep?
There are eight B vitamins in all. If you suffer from irregular sleep or have difficulties going to sleep, the reason may be that your body lacks vitamins B3, B5, B6, B9, or B12. Group B vitamins support proper brain function and what has a direct connection with sleep, they help in melatonin production.
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 stimulates melatonin production, helps to regulate sleep and wake cycles as well as keeps the circadian rhythm in sync. On the other hand, vitamin B12 deficiency is linked to excessive daytime sleepiness as well as night sleep disruption and shorter sleep times. But note that excess of this vitamin B12 can also cause insomnia, so your body needs the right amount of vitamin B12.
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 stimulates melatonin and serotonin secretion which help to go fall asleep and boost restful sleep. It’s also responsible for the proper function of the nervous system, and improves cognitive function and immunity. A lack of Vitamin B6 is associated with symptoms of insomnia and depression. B6 also prevents your body from producing adrenaline at night, and high adrenaline levels may be the reason why you wake up at night.
Should you supplement vitamin B for better sleep?
There are different opinions on whether vitamins from group B should be taken as supplements or not. There are also different opinions on whether vitamin B supplements should be taken before bed or earlier during the day. Some people (including myself) report better sleep while taking vitamin B complex in the evening, but there is also research showing that vitamin B can keep you awake if taken before bed. So you just need to see what works for you…
Vitamin B Complex Tablets – all 8 B Vitamins in 1 Tablet – Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12
5-HTP for better sleep
What is 5-HTP?
5-HTP is a chemical that your body uses to produce melatonin. Some studies suggest that 5-HTP helps to fall asleep faster, sleep longer and extend the duration of the REM sleep phase. However, there may be some side effects of 5-HTP supplementation such as nausea and headaches.
When is it best to take 5-HTP supplements?
It’s best to take 5-HTP supplements before bedtime.
GABA for better sleep
What is GABA?
GABA is an abbreviation for gamma-aminobutyric acid. GABA is a neurotransmitter that can block specific signals in your central nervous system to improve relaxation and sleep quality. Low levels of GABA may be linked to anxiety and mood disorders and supplementation of GABA is known for producing a calming effect, which can support good sleep.
Tryptophan for better sleep
What is tryptophan?
Tryptophan is an amino acid that the body uses to produce serotonin and melatonin.
How does tryptophan influence sleep?
You need tryptophan to make vitamin B3 (niacin) which helps to produce serotonin – the hormone supporting healthy sleep.
You can supplement tryptophan with tablets like these:
Melatonin for better sleep
What is melatonin?
Melatonin is the sleep hormone. It helps to regulate the circadian rhythm, including the timing of when other hormones are released. Melatonin helps you fall asleep faster and reduces wake-ups during the night.
Can I take melatonin every night?
No, it’s not recommended as you may get addicted to it. Melatonin supplements can aid short-term sleep problems, but shouldn’t be taken long-term.
Vitamin C for better sleep
Does vitamin C improve sleep?
Some studies show that vitamin C can help ease obstructive sleep apnea and support deeper sleep. Vitamin C deficiency can cause shorter sleep and those with vitamin C deficiency were more prone to waking up during the night. Supplementation of vitamin C can increase the duration and quality of sleep. This vitamin is fairly safe to supplement as experts say you can’t overdose it.
Glycine for better sleep
What is glycine?
Glycine is an amino acid that improves the nervous system function and this way can improve sleep. Some research shows that glycine may lower the body’s temperature at bedtime, which is a natural indicator for the body that it’s sleep time.
Can selenium help you fall asleep?
Yes. Research shows that selenium can reduce abnormal sleep patterns or the inability to stay asleep through the night. Appropriate levels of selenium are linked to a lower risk of having difficulty falling asleep.
Final note
So this is a list of top vitamins and minerals which can impact your sleep. It’s worth adding that deficiency of one chemical can cause problems with the absorption of another as their functioning is interlinked. A deficiency of one nutrient can result in a chain effect of many deficiencies. That’s why it’s worth looking into a wide range of vitamins and minerals.
Your deficiencies may not be easy to discover, so trying and testing different supplements and observing the changes may help.
Don’t expect immediate effects
It’s also worth mentioning that the effects of supplementation may not be immediate. Although sometimes you may see a quick improvement, it may take a few months before you see results, in a way similar to using herbs.
Please note, this article is not medical advice. If you have major problems with sleep or insomnia, you should seek professional medical advice.